donderdag 6 november 2014

Can You Cas It challenge (CYCI-43)

Can You Case It challenge CYCI 43

Ik ben nog wat in de herfstsfeer in tegenstelling tot veel van mijn collega's van Stampin Up!®
Vind de herfstkleuren zo mooi en kleurrijk, dus deze challenge met die kleuren gemaakt.
I am still in a autumn atmosphere in contrast with my Stampin Up!® colleques.
I think the autumn colors are beautiful an colorful, so this challenge is made with those colors.

Gebruikte materialen / used materials:
Stempel / Stamp:
* For All Things
* Gorgeus Grunge

* Cajun Craze
* Whisper White
* Smokey Slate

DSP: Color me Autumn

Inkt/ Inc: 
* Whisper White

Sizzlits Buttons #4

Early espresso lint
Tombow lijm
Touw naturel

Als je een opmerking onder aan de pagina wilt plaatsen, graag.....
Vind je mijn blog ook leuk en wil je mijn wel en wee volgen, meld je dan aan 
als volger van deze blog.
Je bent van harte welkom......!

If you like, you can leave a remark on the bottom of this blog,I would like that......
Do you like my blog and do you want to follow the things I make or do,
than please join my blog.
You are more than welcome...


5 opmerkingen:

  1. Connie, your card is wonderful, thanks for joining us at CYCI this week! : ) Eva

  2. I really like how you used the Gorgeous Grunge stamp to fill in your background! Thank you so much for playing along with the Can You Case It challenge this week!!

  3. Love your card this week! Thanks for playing along with us at Can You Case It?!

  4. Great card Connie! Thank you for joining us this week. Looking forward to seeing more of your designs.
